Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Funniest Jokes in the world

The best funniest joke in the world in 2002 is follows like this:

1)A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn’t seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head.

 The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services.
He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?”

The operator, in a calm, soothing voice, says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.”

There is a silence, then a shot is heard. The guy’s voice comes back on the line. He says: “Okay, now what?”

2)The Second Funniest Joke ever:

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson goes on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retire for the night, and go to sleep. Some hours later, 
Holmes wakes up and nudges his faithful friend.

Holmes:‘Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.”

Watson:I see millions and millions of stars, Holmes,” 

Holmes:“And what do you deduce from that?”

Watson ponders for a minute.

Watson:“Well, astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of               planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is               approximately a quarter past three."
        “Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. Theologically, I can see         that God is all powerful and that we are a small and insignificant part of the universe. What does it        tell you, Holmes?” 

Holmes is silent for a moment. ‘Watson, you idiot!” he says. “Someone has stolen our tent!”

Had a blast??? i wonder yes and know would you like to read some GHOST JOKES??
 wierd ha but know enjoy these petty jokes.........

1)What type of music do ghosts prefer?
Ans: Spirituals, of course.

2)What do you get when you bite a ghost?
Ans:A mouth full of sheet

3)What do ghosts serve for dessert?
Ans:Ice Scream

4)What’s a haunted chicken?
Ans:A poultry-geist!!!

5)When does a ghost have breakfast?
Ans:In the moaning.

That's it pals had lots of ghost jokes... now some other jokes...

1)A blonde walks into a library and says, "Can I have a burger and fries?"
  The librarian says, "I'm sorry, this is a library."
  So the blonde whispers, "Can I have a burger and fries?"!!!!

Funny pictures:




  ooohhh that hurts......may god help him.........


  1. Wow, amazing blog dear. This is my first blog seen on jokes. I liked Sherlock Holmes joke so much, I laughed so much.
    Waiting for further jokes dear.

  2. haha i luv this blog ravie.....ex specially tht soccer photo......I LUV THAT PIC........


  3. Really amazing ya..u r very creative very cool and i must say a funniest blog LOLll!!!
